Gandalf el gris/ Gandalf the Grey
En los grandes consejos de los sabios, él era quien más promovía una acción directa en contra del Enemigo, pero no se lo escuchó por los consejos del superior de su órden, Saruman el blanco. La sabiduria de Gandalf fue reconocida rápidamente por Galadriel y Cirdan, miembros del consejo de sabios, por lo que Cirdan decidió cederle la custodia del anillo de rubí que tenía a su cuidado y que pensó le sería más útil al mago en sus empresas.
Aquí lo vemos portando en una mano a Glamdring, la espada que recuperara del tesoro de los Trolls de piedra que atacarían a él y a su grupo durante su aventura en El hobbit, mientras que en la otra porta su viejo bastón. Traté que su actitud fuera de desafio, de modo que su cuerpo se muestra como inclinado, en contra del viento, soportando el temporal. No quise representarlo tan viejo, pero quizá no agregué detalles cruciales, como el hacerle la barba mucho más larga y espesa, que es algo que siempre me pareció muchísimo muy imporntante en las descripciones que hiciera el maestro sobre este personaje, pero traté de hacer su rostro no tan serio, pero sí marcado por los años.
El cuerpo no es precisamente grueso ni precisamente delgado, aunque quise hacer las manos casi frágiles para hacer notar la ternura de la que era capaz ante los demás y, sin embargo, las manos sujetan con firmeza sus armas. Incluso puede notarse el movimiento del sombrero y de la capa, y el pequeño detalle del anillo en una de sus manos, mientras que la empuñadura de su espada es casi minimalista.
This is the first version of the character Gandalf the Grey, one of the Istari that were sent by the Power of the World, from the lands of Occident, to help men and elves in his struggle against with Sauron. The most wise and the closest to all the races was Olorim, who was more known by the name of Gandalf.
In the big councils of the wise, it was who more was promoting a direct action against the Enemy, but it was not listened by the councils of the Superior of his order, Saruman the white. The knowledge of Gandalf was recognized rapidly by Galadriel and Cirdan, members of the council of wise, from what Cirdan decided to transfer him the safekeeping of the ruby ring that it had to his care and that he thought would be more useful to the magician in his adventures.
Here we see it carrying in a hand Glamdring, the sword that was recovering from the treasure of the Trolls of stone that would attack him and to his group during his adventure in The hobbit, whereas in other one it carries his old staff. I treated that his attitude out of challenge, so that his body proves to be like inclined, against the wind, supporting the storm. I did not want to represent it so old, but perhaps I did not add crucial details, as to do to him the much longer and thick beard, which is something that always seemed to me very much important in the descriptions that the teacher was doing on this character, but I tried to do his face not so serious, but indee
The body is not precisely fat not precisely thin, although I wanted to do the hands almost fragile to make notice the tenderness of that he was capable before the others and, nevertheless, the hands hold with steadfastness his weapon. Even one can notice the movement of the hat and of the layer, and the small detail of the ring in one of his hands, whereas the handle of his sword is almost minimalist.
César Espinosa
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