Saruman el blanco/ Saruman the White
Aquí he representado a Saruman contemplando la Palantir, una de las piedras videntes. Siempre imaginé a Saruman como un hombre delgado y estilizado, podría decirse que con un grado de refinamiento que le vendría de sus estudios y de su larga estadía dentro de Orthanc, además de que tengo la idea de que, aquellos que desean el poder, siempre deben querer alcanzar ese grado de refinamiento que ponga distancia entre ellos y aquellos a quienes quieren gobernar. Sin embargo, su rostro muestra más pesadumbre que sabiduria, y quizá se deba a que contempla algo en la Palantir que lo ha desconcertado.
La piedra, a diferencia de otras representaciones, la he representado con una textura rugosa, como buscando hacer referencia a algo mineral y más orgánico. Si bien sus creadores pondrían toda su arte y refinamiento en la elaboración de la misma, creo que se preocuparían primero en sus cualidades más que en su estética, además que podemos considerar que los mismos elfos considerarían el aspecto de la piedra como tal, en bruto, como una mayor muestra de su habilidad para crear objetos que semejaran los ya existentes en la naturaleza.
Los ademanes son afectados, teatrales, pero todo es para hablar de la personalidad del mago, la túnica pretende ser delicada, y las mangas más cortas, lo mismo que el corte del cabello y la barba, aunque las ojeras delatan cierto agotamiento.
Here is another first interpretation of one of the personages of Tolkien: Saruman the White. It is other of the Istari, or magicians sent by the power of the Occident to help the peoples of Middle-earth. Curinir or Saruman was more poweful and, in appearance, the most wise of the order, but it changed his knowledge into desires of power having started studying the science of the magic rings. Being a member of the council of the wise he would go so far as to discover the possible end of the One Ring, from what it would distract the attention of the wise on having promoted an attack to the fortress of the Enemy in the Black Forest, following the second warning of Gandalf.
Here I have represented Saruman contemplating the Palantir, one of the seeing stones. I always imagined Saruman as a thin and stylized man, it might be said than with a grade of refinement that would come to him from his studies and from his long demurrage inside Orthanc, in addition to which I have the idea of that, those who wish the power, must always want to reach this grade of refinement that puts distance between them and those whom they want to govern. Nevertheless, his face shows more sorrow than knowledge, and perhaps be due to the fact that he contemplates something in the Palantir that has disconcerted it.
The stone, in contrast to other representations, I have represented her with a rough texture, as thinking about how to allude to something mineral and more organic. Although his creators would put all his art and refinement in the making of the same one, I believe that they would worry firstly in his qualities more than in his aesthetics, except that we can think that the same elves would consider the aspect of the stone such as, in brute, as a major sample of his skill to create objects resembling those that already existing in the nature.
The gestures are affected, theatrical, but everything is to speak about the personality of the magician, the tunic tries to be delicate, and the shortest sleeves, the same as the court of the hair and the beard, although the pouches denounce certain depletion.
César Espinosa
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